Monday, May 25, 2020

How to Conjugate Voler (to Fly, Steal) in French

The French verb  voler  has two very interesting meanings. While it may be used for to fly, as in an airplane or as a bird does, it may also mean to steal, as in robbing someone or taking something. In orer to use  voler  properly, you will need to commit its conjugations to memory. A quick lesson will introduce you to the essentials you need to know. The Basic Conjugations of  Voler French verb conjugations can be a challenge because you have more words to memorize than you would in English. Thats because the verb changes not only with the tense but for every subject pronoun within each tense as well. The good news is that  voler  is a  regular -er verb. It follows some very common rules of conjugation and youll use these for the majority of French verbs. That makes each new one you study just a bit easier than the last. The first step in any conjugation is to find the radical of the verb (its stem). In this case, that is  vol-. With that, use the table to study the different endings you need to apply for the present, future, and imperfect past tenses. For example, I am flying is  je vole  and we stole is  nous volions. Present Future Imperfect je vole volerai volais tu voles voleras volais il vole volera volait nous volons volerons volions vous volez volerez voliez ils volent voleront volaient The Present Participle of  Voler The present participle of regular verbs is formed by adding -ant to the radical. For voler, this gives us volant. Voler  in the Compound Past Tense The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is common in the French language. It is the compound past tense and its relatively easy to construct. You will begin by  conjugating avoir, the auxiliary verb, to fit your subject in the present tense. Then, all you need to do is add the  past participle  volà ©. This gives us  jai volà ©Ã‚  for I flew and  nous avons volà ©Ã‚  for we stole. More Simple Conjugations of  Voler Whenever you need to bring the act of flying or stealing into question,  the subjunctive  can be used. If, however, the act is dependent on something, then youll need  the conditional. In written French, youll likely encounter the passà © simple  or  the imperfect subjunctive  forms of  voler  as well. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je vole volerais volai volasse tu voles volerais volas volasses il vole volerait vola volt nous volions volerions volmes volassions vous voliez voleriez voltes volassiez ils volent voleraient volrent volassent The French imperative  form  drops all formality, along with the subject pronoun. When using it for short sentences, you can simplify it from  tu vole  to  vole. Imperative (tu) vole (nous) volons (vous) volez

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Which Insect Has the Most Toxic Venom

Hopefully, in your lifetime you will never experience the painful sting of a bee, be swarmed by biting ants or brush your hand against the spines of a stinging caterpillar. Among the venomous insects, some possess only mildly toxic venom, while others pack a serious punch capable of taking down a threat as large as a person. Which insect has the most toxic venom of all? The insect with the most toxic venom is not necessarily the most painful or the most lethal. Pain is a fairly subjective measure. What I find excruciating, you might tolerate as merely uncomfortable. We cant compare venom on the basis of morbidity statistics, either, since peoples immune systems respond differently to the same venom. For those with bee venom allergies, a bee sting can be deadly, though the venom itself is not that toxic. To compare insect venoms and determine which is the most toxic, we need an objective way to measure them. A standard measure used in toxicology studies is the LD50 or median lethal dose. This measurement determines the amount of a toxin, relative to body weight, that is required to kill exactly half of a given population of organisms. In this case, researchers tested insect venom on mice to compare and rank their toxicity. So which insect came out on top? The harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex maricopa. With an LD50 measurement of just 0.12 mg per kg of body weight, the harvester ant venom proved far more toxic than that of any bees, wasps, or other ants. By comparison, honey bee venom has an LD50 measure of 2.8, and a yellowjackets venom has an LD50 of 3.5 per kg of body weight. Just 12 stings from the venomous harvester ant were enough to take out a 2 kg animal. Reference: W.L. Meyer. 1996. Most Toxin Insect Venom. Chapter 23 in University of Florida Book of Insect Records, 2001.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Issue Of Domestic Violence Homicides Or Gun Surrender...

B. Interview format: In an attempt to better understand the barriers in getting perpetrators to surrender their guns, and the possible solution in remedying them, I conducted interviews with different members of the King County community. The goal of these interviews was to generate information regarding the experiences of DV victims, and their advocates as well as law enforcement agencies on the issue of gun surrendering. Interviews were done primarily in person with the attorneys, and primarily over the phone with the DV advocates. Due to the political sensitivity of this issue, the majority of the interviewees have requested to remain anonymous. C. Interview Questions: The following questions guided each interview: Background: 1. Can you tell us a bit about the work you currently do, and how it is related to the issue of domestic violence homicides or gun surrender laws? a. How long have you been working in this capacity? b. In which County has most of your work been in? c. How often do you work with clients that are the victims of Domestic Violence? 2. Did any of your clients have a judge order their perpetrators to surrender their weapons, and if so, can you tell me about an instance where this has happened? Recent Policy Changes and their impact: 3. Washington enacted a law in 2014 that mirrors federal law by prohibiting gun possession by anyone subject to a protective order. The protective order must have been issued after a noticed hearingShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence : A Serious And Grave Social Concern1844 Words   |  8 PagesDomestic violence is a serious and grave social concern. Domestic violence essentially affects everyone. It is not merely a personal or private problem in families. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a woman is beaten every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States. ( According to the AARDVARC 960,000 incidents of violence against a current or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend each year to 4 million women who are physically abused by their husbands or live-in partners

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pygmalion Monologue Essay Research Paper Example For Students

Pygmalion Monologue Essay Research Paper A monologue from the play by George Bernard Shaw NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Androcles and the Lion; Overruled; Pygmalion. Bernard Shaw. New York: Brentano\s, 1916. DOOLITTLE: Don\t say that, Governor. Don\t look at it that way. What am I, Governors both? I ask you, what am I? I\m one of the undeserving poor: that\s what I am. Think of what that means to a man. It means that he\s up agen middle class morality all the time. If there\s anything going, and I put in for a bit of it, it\s always the same story: \You\re undeserving; so you can\t have it.\ But my needs is as great as the most deserving widow\s that ever got money out of six different charities in one week for the death of the same husband. I don\t need less than a deserving man: I need more. I don\t eat less hearty than him; and I drink a lot more. I want a bit of amusement, cause I\m a thinking man. I want cheerfulness and a song and a band when I feel low. Well, they charge me just the same for everything as they charge the deserving. What is middle class morality? Just an excuse for never giving me anything. Therefore, I ask you, as two gentlemen, not to play that game on me. I\m pl aying straight with you. I ain\t pretending to be deserving. I\m undeserving; and I mean to go on being undeserving. I like it; and that\s the truth. Will you take advantage of a man\s nature to do him out of the price of his own daughter what he\s brought up and fed and clothed by the sweat of his brow until she\s growed big enough to be interesting to you two gentlemen? Is five pounds unreasonable? I put it to you; and I leave it to you.